Thank you for attending Fidelity FOCUS2023.

A tactical approach to income investing

Adam Kramer, Portfolio Manager
Scott Mensi, Institutional Portfolio Manager
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An alternative perspective
Brett Dley, Portfolio Manager
David Way, Portfolio Manager
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Global asset allocation outlook
David Wolf, Portfolio Manager
David Tulk, Portfolio Manager
Ilan Kolet, Institutional Portfolio Manager
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Fixed income now
Jeff Moore, Portfolio Manager
Stacie Ware, Quantitative Analyst

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CIO insights: The evolving market landscape
Andrew Marchese, Chief Investment Officer and Portfolio Manager
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Fidelity's research: A competitive advantage
Reetu Kumra, Director of Research and Portfolio Manager
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Turning volatility into opportunity
Dan Dupont, Portfolio Manager 
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Uncovering hidden gems: Intrinsic value investing
Morgen Peck, Portfolio Manager
Sam Chamovitz, Portfolio Manager
Salim Hart, Portfolio Manager

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The power and potential of contrarian investing
Hugo Lavallée, Portfolio Manager 
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Regulatory Update
Sian Burgess, Senior Vice President, Fund Oversight
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The global macro view
Jurrien Timmer, Director, Global Macro
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